Monday, November 26, 2007

Setup of RDA on RAC and collection data for all nodes !

Today I was trying to collect RDA data for one of my Service Request with Oracle Support. So I thought it would be a good idea to record the way setup needs to be done.

Its a good idea to use the latest version of RDA always. If you need to setup RDA for Oracle RAC environment. Here are the simple steps :

1. Login to Metalink with your own account(as provided by company!)
2. Read Note : 314422.1 and 359395.1
3. Download RDA + SCM bundle for your platform or the standalone RDA(RDA+SCM is what Oracle Support Recommends)
4. Copy the or RDA.tar to the machine where you have Oracle Database installed.
5. unzip/untar the RDA
6. If you are on unix, confirm that the ssh/rsh is setup and you can access all nodes from one node.
7. Run the RDA setup using command : perl -vX RDA::Remote setup_cluster / ('/' is used to provide SYSDBA login)
8. Setup asks few questions, most of the them are default if you have already sourced the Oracle environment before running setup
9. Once the setup is complete, it has created the RDA setup for all nodes based on "olsnodes" information
10. If the setup was successful, run the RDA collection for all nodes in one go using command :
perl -v -e REMOTE_TRACE=1

On an average, the RDA collection for 4 nodes should not take more than 15 minutes. It shows you the progress for each node as it collects the data because of the parameter "REMOTE_TRACE=1" provided on the command line.

The file which you need to upload to support is the ZIP file created in the RDA directory. This file contains information from all the nodes. So most of the time this file could be very big in size - may be 100+ MB :) ..depends on how much log and other information you have still kept as it is all along !

That's it you are ready to provide the RDA collection data to Oracle Support!

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