Thursday, September 20, 2007

Resolving Issues from Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Blackouts

There are instances when you put all or some targets in blackout using EM Grid Control 10g. But sometimes even after the blackout is ended either manually or expired itself. Some or all Targets shows up "Status Pending" on EM Grid Control. When you try to check the status of Agent on the Targets, they seems to be running fine.

Now workaround to fix this issue if you have few targets having this problem :

  • Login to Target you want to fix the Status "Status Pending"
  • Source the required environment variables
  • run command "emctl stop agent"
  • Goto $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd
  • mv or rm lastupld.xml and agntstmp.txt - mv to different file is also fine if you dont want to do rm !
  • run "emctl clearstate agent" - it will show following :
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release
      Copyright (c) 1996, 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
      EMD clearstate completed successfully
  • Start the agent using command "emctl start agent" - it will show following
    • Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Release
      Copyright (c) 1996, 2006 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
      Starting agent ............... started.
  • Goto EM Grid Control and check the Status of the Target for which you performed above actions. The Target should show status "Up" with Green UP Arrow :)
The above procedure holds good generally with Agent status issues after blackouts. But if you have 100+ targets having this issue ? Then doing the above will take lot of time as well as effort.

So there comes a handy utility by Oracle called EMDiag Kit

EMDiag Kit :
Available to download from Metalink Note : 421053.1 - Downloading/installing/Using the EM Diagnostic Kit

I will post my experience with EMDiag Kit and how well it could help you resolve issues with EM Grid Control effectively. Specially when you are logging Service Request with Oracle Support, this will save a lot of time if you have it already installed!

As always said "Please use caution while using any information published in blog to apply in your production or test databases/environments. Make sure you understand what actions you are performing. Always have backups before performing any actions"

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